
Showing posts from April, 2017

Using Technology to Grow Your MLM

There are many ways to use technology to grow your MLM network. In fact, as an entrepreneur in network marketing it is critical to get "over your fears" of technology and embrace the exponential exposure and growth through limitless lead generation for your MLM team. "Information technology and business are becoming inextricably interwoven. I don't think anybody can talk meaningfully about one without talking about the other." -Bill Gates Bill Gates is an entrepreneur that not only embraced change he created the methods to advance MLM networks. Through his technological innovation, keen business strategy and aggressive competitive tactics, he and his partner Paul Allen built the world's largest software business, Microsoft. In the process, Bill Gates became one of the richest men in the world. To make your mark in network marketing, use the technology systems like blogging, auto responders and online lead generation to grow your MLM network. "

Did Silicon Valley Hijack the Definition of Technology?

Have you noted that when you go and read the news online, and read through the various stories from the syndicated websites that they usually have a technology section, and that technology section is filled with the latest gadgets, social networking methods, and any of the newest things coming from Silicon Valley? I have, and as a lover of technology, and coordinator for a think tank, I am disturbed by all this. Now then let me explain what I mean. There are plenty of new technologies that are extremely important, technologies that if we didn't have we wouldn't be where we are today. Likewise many of the challenges of the future will be solved through technology. And most of the major challenges don't have to do with the latest social network. For instance, if we want to solve the pollution problem, or have less CO2 in the atmosphere, then maybe we need to work more on clean coal technologies. Incidentally, it's amazing how far all of that technology has come in the

How Science Fair Experiments for Middle School Differ From Elementary

If things are working the way they should, a 6th grader will hardly see the difference in their science fair project compared to what they did in elementary school. In the normal scheme of things, each year a little more is required, and the standards are raised, so that a sixth grader for the most part will slide into these experiments for middle school with few problems. One good thing is that most science fairs are in the second semester, some even as late as May, so the initial adjustment to the work load that 6th graders go through has already happened. If they had to do a project in the fall, then it would add to the stress many kids feel in those first months of middle school. This is particularly true with science as middle school science becomes one of the major subjects with regular homework. By the time science fair rolls around they will understand the process the science teacher uses with experiments, and probably have done some simple science experiments for students

Should There Be Middle School Science Fair Projects for Girls?

You can talk round in circles on this topic but the bottom line is you have to look at the kids and where they are in their development. So, the question becomes do you use science fair projects for girls that are different than the ones for boys? Fact of the matter is that middle school kids are into their own heads, and worry about trying to fit in with the crowd. Peer pressure is at its highest. Science often has the look down your nose because it is too geeky, So some middle school science projects for girls might avoid the geek label because it would be about something they like, so might be just the thing. This is not to say girls are not into science. Lots of girls like doing cool science fair projects, but there are some who will put that interest aside in order to fit in with the cool crowd. Others feel that science is for geeks, so if you make it practical for things that interest a middle school girl, you can help get past that. With the new drive to improve math and sci

Overcoming Special Education Apathy and Successfully Navigating the Special Education Maze!

Are you the parent of a child with Autism, or a learning disability who receives special education services? Does your life with your child seem overwhelming, and you sometimes find it difficult to be the advocate for school issues, as you need to be? Or have you given up advocating for your child's education because you feel that you cannot win? This article will give you 6 ideas on how you can overcome apathy, successfully navigate the special education maze, so that your child can receive an appropriate education! 1. Realize that special education is an entitlement for your child under Federal Special Education law (IDEA 2004), and that he or she is depending on you to fight for the services that they need! 2. Now that school is back in session, try and attend a few parent trainings (on federal and state education and disability law), where you can learn about the law, and gain important advocacy information, as well as meet other parents in your area. Look for groups that

How to Organize Your Home for Educational Success

Parents need to organize their homes to be conducive to an educational environment for their children. Homes that are conducive to education have developed an environment that will increase the academic preparedness for their children. In our society, children need all the advantages necessary to become well-educated and if children can start the journey from home, all the better. We all realize that the examples we give to our children can play a major part in what kind of person they grow up to be. If we set good examples for our children, hopefully they will observe and learn from those examples. Since parents set the first examples for their children, why not set an example of maintaining a well-organized home that has an educational environment. Parents should realize there may be a direct relationship between a clean, well organized home and how much education and financial success children will achieve. Parents should always be looking for every advantage for their childre